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Where professional growth meets spiritual expansion…

Claim your Light Retreats

The only business-focused retreat for high-vibe, high-performing Lightworkers ready to tune into themselves and shine even brighter

January 26th – January 30th, 2025

You’re ready for the next big thing, you deserve the strategy to…

Raise your visibility and build a recognized platform

Scale a wicked team and become a masterful leader

Scale your 6 to 7-figure business with effortless abundance

Birth a book or a brand new business into the world

Remember who you are and reconnect with your personal power

Finally invest in your own personal and professional expansion

You can do ALL of this and more, sister, but the secret to your success might not be what you think it is…

Let’s take a quick reflective pause, and tell me, do you truly know the answers to these questions?

What are your unique gifts?
Who are you really?
Do you truly take your authentic place in the world?

There’s something deeply special hiding inside you — and this is the secret to living the abundant and purpose-filled life that you’re craving.

I’m inviting you to unlock that.

I’m inviting you to remember who you really are, identify your superpowers, and see how fucking powerful you are.

Then everything else will flow so you can authentically show up, master your messaging, and grow your 6 to 7-figure business with clarity, confidence, and focus.

This is exactly what we do inside Claim Your Light

we unlock your something special and you leave shining even brighter,

Join my next retreat at the luxurious Etéreo resort in Riviera Maya, Mexico January 26th—January 30th, 2025. Limited spots available!

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Tali Kogan

Stylist and Empowerment Coach

“The business retreat really changed my life, it’s one of the best investments I’ve ever made.

Jessica helps you find your own personal purpose. To see your own genius. She really helped shape and design me — and gave me the confidence to become who I am today. She’s the reason why I’m now charging $15,000 for a shoot and why people travel all over the world to get styled with me.

Jessica levels up everyone around her. She is a ray of sunshine, she is the sister that you have never had, she’s a magic creator activator.

She can help you see your own value, it’s almost like a reintroduction of yourself — you discover things about yourself that you’ve never known. She sees the genius and the light in us and she’s your biggest fan.”

Ignite your light, raise your frequency, and unleash your Galactic Goddess

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Oh, and the other secret to success?

Surround yourself with soul sisters, other Lightworkers who have done what you want to do — where the only “rules” are generosity, reciprocity, and support


Claim Your Light

This is not your typical “business retreat” — it’s a luxurious experience for the ultimate professional, personal, and spiritual transformation for Lightworkers

The sacred space where strategy meets spirituality…

Warning: We get as geeky about brand strategy and business success as we do about breathwork and embodying abundance. I’ll be part business coach, part spiritual coach, and fully in your corner…

Get ready for:

  • Brand building and marketing strategy to give you the tools to take your personal brand to the next level
  • 7-figure product and program development so you can confidently create abundance with ease
  • Empowered Divine Feminine leadership to skyrocket your confidence as you take your authentic place in the world
  • Deep spiritual practices and rituals to channel your higher-Lightworker-self

Luxury accommodation for 5 Days & 4 nights in exclusive locations

You’ll be surrounded by beauty and luxury to allow for maximum peace, clarity, and personal expansion.

Intimate business masterminding & 1:1 coaching with Jessica Zweig

You’ll have plenty of opportunities to ask me anything and I’ll bring in some surprise guest experts too.

Meet my beautiful friends, healers, and industry-leading experts

A beautiful variety of interactive experiences will take place — from shamanic healers to horse therapy and spiritual experts, each retreat will have unique sessions to help your transformative journey.

Develop deep connections with successful soul sisters

Get ready to make deep connections with like-minded women. The relationships you create here are one of the most sacred and long-lasting gifts of the retreat.

“Jessica holds up a mirror to her clients to show what everyone else sees — it’s given me so much confidence.

I realized I have a story to share and it allowed me to take my brand to the next level, I took my LinkedIn strategy in a different direction. I’ve grown my follower count to 50,000. It gave me confidence and inspired me to use my influence in a different way.”

Charlie Saffro

Founder & CEO, CS Recruiting

Kelly Elliot

Event Producer

“If you’re on the fence, commit. Come. It’s worth it. You won’t regret it. You’ll walk away with so much more than you came with.”

Grow your business and expand your soul in 5 magical days together…

While every business retreat I organize is unique, here’s what you can expect:

  • Learn all my behind-the-scenes strategies to scale a multi-7-figure business — as well as SimplyBe.’s trademarked methods on how to define your brand, build your platform, scale your business, and plan for next-level success
  • Enjoy five-star meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the entirety of the retreat
  • Soak up intimate masterclasses on marketing, sales, and product development
  • Work with guest shamans, healers, and spiritual experts
  • Relax with daily guided yoga and breathwork
  • And so many more magical surprises…

“With Jessica, you’re transforming constantly and becoming more of yourself.”

Breean Miller

Spiritual Leader

 Anne Denk

Psychotherapist & Coach

“I’m walking away with the permission slip to be my true self.”

“These women were a missing void in my life. Worth every dollar.”

Kelly Elliot

Event Producer & Entrepreneur

A peek inside your luxury experience at  Riviera Maya, Mexico

January 26th—January 30th, 2025

Each business retreat is a unique and magical, luxury experience…

Whether in Santa Fe, Nashville, Mexico, or somewhere entirely new, when you step into the retreat you enter a different world — a magical space of love, authenticity, and transformation (on a deep personal and business level).

Most business retreats just talk strategy, marketing, and sales. We go so much deeper than that. We don’t take a 3D approach to you and your business, we go 5D.

But what makes these truly unique is that you walk away with a true, brand new, INTIMATE, community of women you will call your sisters for life. This is a space where you’ll feel safe to drop the walls, be truly seen, and enriched with the presence of new, deep relationships in your life. This is where the real healing happens.

I want to help you get to know yourself even better — so you can show up authentically to yourself and others. Only then can you create a purpose-filled business that is truly aligned with your mission.

And that is when you become truly unstoppable AND…. filled with more joy, more light and more sisters than you ever knew was possible.


I asked the beautiful Lightworkers who have been on previous retreats

what they walked away with and here’s what they shared…

Dana Nicole Anderson

Founder & CEO, Concrete Runway

“This is a special place to see yourself as a much brighter, gentler, softer, leader.

This retreat is for women, founders, heading towards a shift—you need to calibrate your team, expand, in the place where you feel you need more. There are so many industries represented here. The diversity in this room is bringing even more to the experience than I expected.

“It’s not just about what you do but how you do it. This is a special place to see yourself as a much brighter, gentler, softer, leader. It’s all there. [This experience showed me that] I have what I need. I have everything. I just need to put a process into it and put it into action.”

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What’s the value?

5 days of 1:1 coaching with me on business, branding, marketing, product and sales training, plus a comprehensive resource guide and action plan


1:1 extra high proximity support from my entire team throughout the retreat, across the areas of business, branding, spirituality and beyond


A 5-night stay at the brand new Etereo Resort in your own king-suite with your own private pool overlooking the ocean


A private Mayan spiritual immersion at the world’s most exclusive cenote


High-end private dinners at boutique restaurants, as well as daily local organic breakfast and lunch


Daily Yoga and breathwork from a master teacher, flown in from Costa Rica, private sessions with her for 4 days


Deluxe gift bags, filled  ith designer jewels and luxury items to make your stay even more queen-like


Access to a private WhatsApp group, post-retreat to stay connected with your new sisters and packed with an abundance of support, advice & 5-star referrals


PLUS personal time for the beach and spa at the exceptional 5-star resort



OVER $107,000

An intimate, luxurious experience with limited spots available

Past business retreats have always sold out, so submit your application today to be a part of this one-of-a-kind, high-vibe experience to grow your business and expand your soul. Space is extremely limited.

Join us in Riviera Maya, Mexico January 26—January 30, 2025

OVER $107,000
3 payments of


(first payment due at signing, second payment due 1 month later, final payment due 2 months after signing)

Or, pay in full: $19,997

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A letter from a past

Claim Your Light attendee

Thanks for creating the space for other women’s expansion. The retreat was an experience beyond this realm.

Thanks for caring so much and being present with each and every one of us at the retreat. This might be something automatic and natural for you, but trust me, that’s not even close to what is offered out there.

There were so many things I wasn’t expecting for the retreat. You went above and beyond to fill the cup and over flow it.

You create with others and allow others to add up to the experience. You are a great team leader. You are in your body. You are humble.

You show up stretching a hand at eye level, which makes you the strongest in the room.

As a client, I can only be in awe and so grateful.

As a friend, I add to the above, that you don’t have to over deliver… your biggest gift is how much you care and how present you are.

Keep taking care of yourself because the world needs you complete. For every step you take towards others, take 3 steps for you.